BlooDy MiSs F***ing the WorLd  

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Well, it has been,shall we say, a blarthing 1.5 months since i bothered to update this monster of blogworlds. There has been though, a few surprising moments in my dreary life that withstood the boundaries of tedium. Really. For those nincompoops who had been swatting or bugging me about the inconsistencies of blogging- here's my piece. " I don't give a shit."

Back to the topic of interesting latests. Exactly 5 days ago, i completed my management module with a solid 3 hour essay on Management Concepts and Permanent Head Damage (PHD) Goofballs whom i had to research upon for the sake of scoring my all round perfect grade of Distinction. People like Freud, F. Taylor, Henri Fayol and Likert Rensis are just a few of them. Imagine cramming a 3 yr degree course in 6 months. Talk about Olympian achievements.

Cathartically, my coursemates thought i stood a better chance at being the trainer because my teachings were better understood and well-matched to daily life. Thus, i was temporarily worshipped as GODDESS. Haha. However, just to retract from bootlicking my own ass, i really liked helping my coursemates understand the concepts as i really cared about them doing well in the impending examination.

Enough rambling. Peace out.

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